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The foundation of Soft Logic

The first part of the project is to lay the foundation of the mathematics including the data representation needed to support the Digital Living Logic. This mathematical language enables us to present cyber knowledge by an extension of the number 0 from a singular point to a continuous line. We create a new type of numbers (states) for the composed (augmented) reality, which we call “Bridge Numbers”: a0+b1.


a, b are real numbers, where “a” is the value on the 0 axis (activity in the cyber space), and “b” is the value on the 1 axis (activity in the real world). We will define arithmetic operations on the Bridge Numbers and investigate properties of these operations.

The representation will be extended beyond the above model to represent a richer set of the cyber world and a set of the physical world. The cyber set will be modeled as a semi precedence partially ordered set (and perhaps a lattice, and later a filter), and there will be relations between the cyber and the physical spaces. We will explore the relations between the sets (for example looking at Tarski theorem and fixed point properties). Then the dynamical co-evolution of the sets will be studied.


The current mathematics does not consider the two separate processes as we suggest to model (cyber and reality), and then use to analyze applications for the 2030.

Our research plan, milestones and schedule


The first part of the research is to establish the foundation of Soft logic  (which will produce several academic papers), and then to focus on one or two particular applications. The foundation starts with a limited model (linear and ordered, and will be followed by richer models (as mentioned in the research objectives).


The fundamental issues that we are investigating in the five years of

the project include:


  1.  The foundation of Soft Logic

  2.  A fundamental language that describe the states and processes in the cyber space   and the relation to the real world.

  3.  Properties of the logic (such as Calculus and Algebra)

  4.  Analysis of the relationship between the two sets

  5.  Data Mining with soft numbers

  6.  Privacy in the Digital Living

  7.  Personal, Sociological and Ecological impact

Potential Applications in DL2030 to validate the new data representation 

and model include:

  1. Medical

  2. Autonomous Vehicles

  3. Virtual Reality

  4. Computational and dynamical models

  5. Robotics

  6. Smart Cities

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