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My name is Zohar Maliniak I am 63 years old married and a father to 4 sons and very soon happily will be a grandfather. Few months ago I finished my doctorate theses in philosophy of science on the physics and metaphysics of David Bohm.

On one hand my ‘life line’ is extremely non-linear and with fundamental changes – I was a professional plasterer in my youth, I participate twice in founding new communities one a Kibbutz in the north and one a self learning community in the south (Neot-Semadar). I studied mathematics and theoretical physics, I was a principle of two high schools that one of them I was the founder, and I taught many years in high school and colleges mathematics, physics, pedagogy, not to mention my doctorate theses which I started after the age of 50…

But in another perspective I am all my grown-up life deal with the same questions – is there truth and if the answer is positive what does it mean to my life and to the society I am part of ?

What is the proper life and relationships in human life ?

Can I and other interested people come over egoism, conflicts, separation, and suffer through self inquiry and deep attention?

Is science a ‘space’ that may help human society to live for the common good and suggest human life profound meaning?   

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